Please read this agreement carefully before accessing or using the site. By accessing or using the site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions stated below. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, you may not access or use the site, and if you begin such use, you must stop using it immediately.

“” may make changes to this agreement at any time, and these changes come into force immediately when the modified agreement is placed on the site. You agree to review the agreement periodically to be informed of these changes, and your continued access or use of the site will mean that you have definitively accepted the modified agreement.

1. Trademarks, Intellectual Property, Copyrights

All rights of belong to Lims Bona Dea Beach. The contents published on these web pages (e.g. images and graphics such as products, logos, software, etc., trademarks, information, reports) are protected by national and international laws and international agreements.

The user may use the information, products, designs, pictures, texts, all kinds of databases, video clips, files, website, icons, visual and audio images, software-codes, html code and other codes etc. contained within the website. agrees that it will not reproduce, distribute, process, copy, send catalogs and lists in whole or in part, online or through any other method, and that it will not compete directly and/or indirectly with Lims Bona Dea Beach, either through these actions or through other means. and commits.

All kinds of information and materials on the site; The whole or part of the site cannot be used in a different way by revising, adding or changing a part of it.

Any information (written or visual) that can be obtained from the Site cannot be used without adding the phrase “© 2020,, All Rights Reserved” in a size that can be easily seen. The expressions on the site do not contain registered trademarks, services, logos, etc. belonging to third parties or institutions. Warnings and brackets cannot be removed when quoting the site.

2. Change of Terms of Use

Lims Bona Dea Beach ( reserves the right to change, renew or supplement these terms of use without giving any reason and without prior or subsequent notice. The specified pages contain the current and updated version. By using these web pages the user accepts that he/she is limited to the current version

3. About User Information

On the website; There are sections containing request and reservation forms that users can fill out. While filling out these sections, users do not have the right to use profanity, threats, provocation, disturbing words and illegal content, or to harm the legal and personal rights of others. In addition, it is forbidden to copy these forms or use them as samples for reproduction. Users do not have the right to sell a product or service, advertise for commercial purposes or engage in similar commercial behavior using these pages.

4. Regarding Links to Third Party Sites may provide direct or indirect links to third parties, mobile applications and other websites. The purpose of these links provide information or ads. Since has no control over the resources of the links on the site, the user acknowledges that is not responsible for the accessibility of the websites or resources shown by its links and that it is not responsible for any advertisements, products, content or content on or available from these websites and resources. acknowledges that it is not responsible for any other material. User shall also be liable for any damages or alleged losses caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any content, services or products available on or through any such website or resource. accepts that it is not directly or indirectly responsible for the loss.

5. Rights and Responsibilities

The contents of are constantly checked and updated. However, and its owner Lims Bona Dea Beach cannot be held responsible for information and price errors in the site content, and may make any innovations and changes on its pages at any time. website and its owner, Lims Bona Dea Beach, cannot be held responsible for any reservation, sales or information errors that may arise due to these changes.

All usage and content rights of are reserved. All rights of the site belong to the company that owns it, Lims Bona Dea Beach. Unauthorized use is prohibited by law

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